
  • Foyer/Entryway: This is the first room that guests see when they enter your home.
  • Kitchen: The kitchen is the heart of the home, where families gather to cook, eat, and socialize.
  • Living Room: The living room is a space for relaxing and entertaining guests. It’s typically the largest room in the home, and it can be furnished with a variety of furniture, such as sofas, chairs, tables, and a TV.
  • Family Room: The family room is a casual space for relaxing and spending time with family. It’s often located near the kitchen, and it can be furnished with a variety of furniture, such as sofas, chairs, tables, and a TV.
  • Dining Room: The dining room is a formal space for eating meals. It’s typically furnished with a dining table, chairs, and a sideboard.
  • Bedroom: The bedroom is a private space for sleeping, getting dressed, and storing personal belongings. It’s typically furnished with a bed, dresser, nightstand, and possibly a desk or chair.
  • Bathroom: The bathroom is a space for bathing, grooming, and using the toilet. It’s typically furnished with a bathtub or shower, sink, toilet, and vanity.
  • Laundry Room: The laundry room is a space for washing, drying, and folding clothes. It’s typically furnished with a washer, dryer, and folding table.
  • Basement: The basement is a lower level of the home that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as storage, recreation, or a home office.
  • Garage: The garage is a space for parking cars, storing tools, and other belongings.


  • Porch: A porch is an open-sided structure attached to the exterior of a house, either in front or at the back, that serves as a sheltered entryway.
  • Deck: A deck is a raised platform that is attached to the exterior of a house. Decks are typically made of wood or composite materials, and they can be used for a variety of purposes, such as entertaining, relaxing, or gardening.
  • Patio: A patio is a paved area that is located outdoors. Patios are typically made of concrete, brick, or stone, and they can be used for a variety of purposes, such as entertaining, relaxing, or gardening.
  • Gazebo: A gazebo is a small, open-sided structure that is typically located in a garden or yard. Gazebos are often used for entertaining, relaxing, or as a place to enjoy the outdoors.
  • Pergola: A pergola is a structure that is made up of a series of posts and beams that support a roof or trellis. Pergolas are often used to provide shade or shelter, and they can also be used to add visual interest to a garden or yard.
  • Steps: Steps are used to provide access to the different levels of a home, such as the front door, the deck, or the patio. Steps can be made of a variety of materials, such as wood, stone, or concrete.
  • Landscaping: Landscaping refers to the plants, trees, and other features that are used to enhance the appearance of a home’s exterior. Landscaping can include a variety of elements, such as flowers, shrubs, trees, walkways, and patios.

These are just some of the names of the outside of a home.


  • Seating: This includes chairs, sofas, loveseats, recliners, and stools. Seating furniture is used for relaxing, eating, working, and entertaining.
  • Storage: This includes chests, cabinets, bookcases, and drawers. Storage furniture is used to keep belongings organized and out of sight.
  • Tables: This includes dining tables, coffee tables, side tables, and desks. Tables are used for eating, working, and displaying items.
  • Beds: This includes mattresses, box springs, frames, and headboards. Beds are used for sleeping and resting.
  • Occasional furniture: This includes lamps, mirrors, rugs, and artwork. Occasional furniture is used to add style and comfort to a home.

These are just some of the most common types of inside furniture. There are many other types of furniture available, and the specific pieces that you choose will depend on your needs and preferences.

Other Vocabulary

  • enough – suficiente
  • bought – past of “buy” (comprar)
  • can – poder
  • come – venir
  • tomorrow – mañana
  • founder – fundador
  • huge – enorme
  • library – biblioteca
  • even – aun
  • movie theater – cine
  • security – seguridad
  • floor – piso
  • automatically – automáticamente
  • turn on – encender
  • enter – entrar
  • light – luz
  • magazine – revista

Practice – Práctica
Choose the correct answer

1.  I need 10 books.  I have 8 books.  I don’t have ________________. 

2.  There are many books in the  ________________.

3.  Today is Monday.   ________________is Tuesday.   

4.  I  ________________new shoes at the store. 

5.  The building is very big.  It’s  ________________. 

6.  I’m a pilot.  I  ________________on fly airplanes.  

7.  It’s dark in here.   ________________on the light. 

8.  You  ________________on a house through the door.   

9.  I saw a movie at the  ________________on .

10. The carpet is on the  ________________on . 

There is and There are

The difference between “there is” and “there are” is the number of things that you are referring to. “There is” is used when you are referring to one thing, and “there are” is used when you are referring to more than one thing.

For example, you would say “there is a cat” if you were referring to one cat. You would say “there are two cats” if you were referring to two cats.

Here is a table that summarizes the difference between “there is” and “there are”:

There is a cat.There are two cats.
There is a book on the table.There are three books on the table.
There is a house on the hill.There are many houses on the hill.

Negative form

The negative form of “there is” is “there is not” or “there isn’t.” The negative form of “there are” is “there are not” or “there aren’t.”

For example, you would say “there is not a cat” if you were referring to one cat that is not present. You would say “there are not two cats” if you were referring to two cats that are not present.

Here is a table that summarizes the negative form of “there is” and “there are”:

There is not a cat.There are not two cats.
There is not a book on the table.There are not three books on the table.
There is not a house on the hill.There are not many houses on the hill.

Question form

  • Singular
    • Is there a cat?
    • Is there a book on the table?
    • Is there a house on the hill?
  • Plural
    • Are there two cats?
    • Are there three books on the table?
    • Are there many houses on the hill?

To form a question with “there is” or “there are,” you simply place the verb “is” or “are” before “there” and add a question mark. You can also add a question word to the beginning of the question, such as “what,” “where,” or “when.”

For example, you could ask “Is there a cat in the room?” or “Where are the books?”

“The New House”

Dialogue – Diálogo
Practice with a partner

VICKY – Hi Rebecca.

REBECCA – Oh hi Vicky.  

VICKY – How’s your new house?

REBECCA – It’s great.  

VICKY – Is it big?

REBECCA – Yeah.  There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms.  There’s also a big yard and a swimming pool.

VICKY – Wow!  Do you have enough furniture?

REBECCA – We bought some new furniture.  There’s a new sofa in the living room.  We bought a new table and chairs for the dining room and a new dresser for the bedroom.

VICKY – When can I see your new house?

REBECCA – Come over tomorrow for lunch and you can see the new house.

Read and regroup the sentence in the correct form.
 1.    new   house    your   How’s     ?
 2.  are   bedrooms   There  three    .
 3.   sofa    a  living room   new   There’s    in   the     .
 4.    have  Do   enough     you    furniture    ?
 5.    big   There’s   yard   a    .

Pronunciation for letter K

The sound of the letter “k” is /k/. It is a voiceless stop consonant, which means that the vocal cords do not vibrate when you make the sound. The sound is made by bringing the back of the tongue up to the roof of the mouth, blocking the airflow. Then, the air is released suddenly, creating a popping sound.

The /k/ sound is often spelled with the letter “k”, as in “kit”, “king”, and “kick”. However, it can also be spelled with the letter “c”, as in “call”, “can”, and “sick”. In some cases, the /k/ sound can also be spelled with the letter “ch”, as in “church” and “chick”.

The /k/ sound is a common sound in many languages, including English, Spanish, French, and German. It is also a common sound in many non-European languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Here are some words that start with the /k/ sound:

  • kite
  • king
  • kick
  • kit
  • kiss
  • kitten
  • kettle
  • kangaroo
  • key

Sound of letter g

The letter “g” can make two sounds in English: /g/ and /j/.

  • The /g/ sound is a hard sound, like the g in “goat”. It is made by placing the back of the tongue against the roof of the mouth and then releasing the air suddenly.
  • The /j/ sound is a soft sound, like the g in “gem”. It is made by placing the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth and then releasing the air slowly.

The /g/ sound is more common than the /j/ sound in English. It is found in words like “good”, “game”, and “goat”. The /j/ sound is found in words like “gem”, “giant”, and “gin”.

Here is a table that summarizes the two sounds of the letter “g”:

SoundExample wordsDescription
/g/goat, good, gameHard sound, made by placing the back of the tongue against the roof of the mouth and then releasing the air suddenly.
/j/gem, giant, ginSoft sound, made by placing the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth and then releasing the air slowly.

La primera palabra en cada renglón tiene el sonido de  /k/.  La segunda tiene el sonido de /g/. Escucha y repite las palabras.

The sound of /k/The sound of /g/
coat (abrigo)goat (chivo)
curl (rizo)girl (muchacha/chica)
class (clase)glass (vaso)
back (espalda)bag (bolsa)
clock (reloj)clog (obstáculo)
rack (estante)rag (trapo)
Kate (un nombre femenino)gate (portón)
cap (gorra)gap (brecha)
coal (carbón)goal (meta)
crab (cangrejo)grab (agarrar)
creek (arroyo)Greek (griego)
crow (cuervo)grow (crecer)


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